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Vision Considerations, pt3

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Vision Considerations, pt3

Leadership in Context with Keith Tucci

Episode 209

Vision Ownership

Vision ownership is the root of how you breed vision. Great vision bearers are not necessarily dynamic personalities, but they have a dynamic plan and invite people to go there with them. In vision ownership, you have to be saturated with the vision yourself. It has to get down inside of you.

When I took over the leadership of NRP 2.5 years ago, our apostolic team laid hands on me and I felt there was an impartation in me that God was going to use me and use NRP to help churches transition pastoral leadership. From that moment on, I began to study resources and ask more questions than I had before. That idea, through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, opened that capacity in my heart.

If you are going to have vision, you have to allow for capacity. That usually means laying something down or not getting involved in too many things at one time. I couldn’t have capacity for helping pastoral transition and have capacity for other things that I thought was a good idea at the same time. I had to choose.

A little over a year after that, after meditating, thinking, and praying on the idea, I had a dream one night. This doesn’t happen to me a lot. It was a very vivid dream of runners in a 4x40 relay, and they were passing the baton. When I got up that morning, it was still so vivid to me that I started Googling “passing the baton.” Over 50 universities had training videos from their athletic department on how to hand off a baton. I watched a bunch of them. With every video I watched, I would get more revelation and understanding.

Later that year, I got five pastors together who were in transition mode, and I shared that with them. We spent a whole day together, talking about things to do to prepare a church for transition. Out of that, there came a real vision. When I talk about transition now, I’m not just talking about ideas. I believe I’m carrying something in my spirit to help churches to transition their leadership.

To lead vision, you must feed vision. Study it. Learn about it. Read. Pray. You have to own that vision. You have to feed the vision in you. I have seen vision failure when people did not do their homework. They had a good idea, a vision from God, but they didn’t do the work to be saturated in it.

When you aren’t saturated in the vision, you won’t be able to articulate it with passion. Passion is what will move people. You have to own the vision so there is a gust that flows out of you.

When you aren’t saturated in it and you hit resistance, you’ll falter because you don’t own the vision. You’ll set aside the idea. Sometimes you set ideas aside because the timing isn’t right or you don’t have the right people or skills, but vision issues are different. In vision, you press through to break through.

When you aren’t saturated in it, you’ll get distracted. Life will happen around you, and it will fall away. The distractions don’t have to be bad. Our distractions can be good things or just life itself.

The beginning of the vision is you saturating in it, owning it, clarifying it yourself. If it isn’t clear in you, it won’t be clear coming out of you. This is the root. This is where you become a vision incubator.

Join us next week as Keith Tucci continues to put leadership truth in the context of the local church. And as always, please like, share, rate/review, and invite others to listen. See you next week!


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