Embracing the Supernatural, pt2
Leadership in Context with Keith Tucci
Episode 169
Last week we talked about the 4 connected miracles under Elijah’s ministry in 1 Kings 17. Now let’s pick up the story in chapter 18…
1 Kings 18:1
Now it happened after many days…
There were about 1,000 days that had passed, and Elijah had been on the run. His circumstances aren’t great, even though he has seen the hand of God with supernatural manifestations. In the middle of the supernatural outpouring, Elijah was waiting for three years for his next assignment from God. He is literally all alone.
When you are believing God for something very critical, a supernatural breakthrough, it often feels like you are all alone.
1 Kings 18:1
Now it happened after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year, saying, “Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the face of the earth.”
Ahab had been looking for Elijah, and God told Elijah to go to him. Elijah was put in a vulnerable situation.
You will never flow in the supernatural until you are in a vulnerable situation—a situation where you are in such a radically dependent place that it is God who has to come through. That is why when there are supernatural things happening, humility is found in the individual, as they know it isn’t them doing the supernatural.
At our BOB conference this year, we had a tremendous move of generosity. Through several offerings, we had a total of about $117,000 given to world missions to plant GlobalROAR schools. Back in April of 2021, God spoke to me and told me to gather key mission people together. I didn’t know what would happen, but I obeyed. God knit the mission people together and plans were made. I felt like the Lord said to me, “I want you to ask for $50,000.” We had never had a $50,000 offering before. I remember waking up that first morning at BOB and being nervous and wondering what on earth I was doing. There was a part of me that wanted to shrink back, but I pressed forward and obeyed what God had laid on my heart. The $50,000 was more than doubled!
When you see someone who is moving in God’s supernatural favor or provision, there is almost always an outrageous act of obedience that is connected.
Elijah goes to Obadiah. He asks Obadiah to tell Ahab to meet him. Obadiah was nervous to tell the king and then have Elijah not show up. But Elijah gave Obadiah his word that he would show up, and Obadiah believed him.
As you read through the Bible and see supernatural things happening, very seldom--if ever--did those supernatural things happen with just one person involved. Jesus always had someone with Him when He performed His miracles. He told the guy with the withered hand to stretch forth his hand. The Lord was looking for people to do covenant with so He could do something supernatural and the miracle would not just be an event, but would lead to a legacy.
Obadiah is a covenant man and trusted that Elijah was going to show up. Obadiah risked his life to go to Ahab and arrange the meeting. Obadiah was in a very vulnerable position, but he trusted Elijah as a man of God.
When you see supernatural things happening, you might see a prominent personality. But behind the scenes or at their side, there is another person that participated in the outrageous act of obedience.
Obadiah has as much credit as Elijah, in my opinion, for the miracle that took place that we will talk about during our next podcast. Obadiah put himself out there. This is the value of covenant relationships—walking through the storms of life with people, being tested with people, so that you can trust God when God needs to be trusted to do something that no one else but God can do.
God is looking to build trust partners. God is looking for us to flow in covenant relationships because they become the breeding ground of the supernatural.
Join us next week as Keith Tucci continues to put leadership truth in the context of the local church. And as always, please like, share, rate/review, and invite others to listen. See you next week!