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Monthly Prayer Focus--November

Writer: NRPNRP

Pastors & Intercessors, On November 6, we are going to have the most critical midterm elections in American history! We are in a war; anti-Christ versus Christ. The National Democratic Party has taken on the demonic mindset of principalities and powers. We must win this battle in the heavenlies through prophetic decrees to ensure a righteous outcome in this crucial midterm election. Prophetic Decrees:

There is an internal and eternal war going on in our nation for the progressive liberals to control Congress and stop any moral reformation. Let’s agree: “Rise up, O God, and judge the earth.” Psalm 82:8. Rend the Heavens and cause the demonic enemies dividing our nation to scatter. Father, in Jesus’ Name, expose evil, reveal evil, and remove evil.

We are in war! “Do not be quiet, O God. Don’t you hear the uproar of your enemies? And see that your arrogant enemies are rising up?” Psalm 83:1-2. Hear the uproar of the mainstream media, the angry Democrats, paid protestors, and the Deep State. In this midterm election, turn the tide red and silence their voices!

“…my ears have heard the defeat of our enemies (those who oppose the constitution and a duly elected President). But the godly will flourish like palm trees.” Psalm 92:11-12. I decree that the Republican Party will gain seven seats in the Senate and will maintain the majority in the House—a unified and conservative core. I decree that the wall will be built in Jesus’ Name and that another pro-life Supreme Court Justice will be appointed.

Rejoicing, Bro. Rod Aguillard NRP Senior Overseer

November Itinerary

November 02-04 Liberty Church, Alabama Pastors Kieth & Kellie Hodges November 07-09 Band of Brothers Conference Chalmette, Louisiana November 09-12 Lord of the Harvest, Texas Pastors Jonathan & Hera Clatt November 30-December 03 Rio Central, Tennessee Apostle Ronnie & Jean Hepperly Please pray for Marvelous Mary and me. Pray for our strength and for the anointing to bring healing to the hurting, hope to the hopeless, and deliverance to the captive. Thank you!



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