Jake Claunch
Eagle Heights Church, Tennessee
One hundred sixty-seven years ago, at New Park Street Chapel, a preacher named Charles Spurgeon peered into the eyes of his new congregation. He scanned the room and asked for the Holy Spirit's power, and a calm came over him as he began to deliver the sermon. "My brothers and sisters in Christ," said Charles in a notably different accent than most in his audience. "We may not be yet acquainted, since I do not know each of you by name. We are, however, living stones perfectly joined together by the cement of Christ's blood.”
What he said is what I was reminded of when we began the second worship song on Tuesday night of the NRP National Conference. As I looked around and observed many of you that I have known for many years, and also many that I did not know, I reflected on Spurgeon's quote and the fact that NRP is one of the most ALIVE groups of pastors and churches I have ever been around. I thought to myself, "This group is truly a jewel in God's treasure chest, joined together as living stones by the cement of Christ's blood.” I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing, courageous, compassionate, genuine, Jesus-loving, whole Bible-believing, living tribe of pastors and leaders. The NRP National Conference 2022 can't get here soon enough.