Dear Pastor & Intercessor,
We are living in the day of the Lord, the time of the final anti-Christ rebellion, the final judgments, and the final great awakening with the harvest of the ages. We are living in the time of God’s last call for repentance and united intercession.
The Holy Spirit has commissioned me to help lead a United Prayer Movement of prophetic decrees, releasing judgment against the anti-Christ system in America and releasing a great awakening, coupled with reformation.
Let’s agree on the following two prophetic decrees:
1. A prophetic decree for justice: Life for the unborn. Father, in Jesus’ name, “Rescue the poor and the helpless, deliver them from the grasp of evil people!” Psalm 82:4 NLT
Break the back of the abortion promoters and supporters. Remove Planned Parenthood from Planet Earth!
2. A revival decree: “Surely salvation is near to those who fear Him and our land will be filled with your Glory!”Psalm 8:9 NLT
Fill our nation with Your glory, even as the waters fill the sea! Father, come with Your heavy presence and intense pleasure, in Jesus’ name!
Again, together we war and together we win!
Rejoicing, Bro. Rod Aguillard NRP Senior Overseer
July Itinerary
July 12-14
The River Community Church
with Pastors Steve & Joan Crombie
July 21
Victory Life Church
with Pastors Danny & Carol Knight