Pastor Doug Allen
Living Hope Church, Pennsylvania
I believe that NRP churches, and those of like vision, are poised to see dramatic growth in this hour. Supernatural harvest seldom comes in natural seasons.
As the crowds emerged from the village, Jesus said to his disciples, “Why would you say, ‘The harvest is another four months away’? Look at all the people coming—now is harvest time! For their hearts are like vast fields of ripened grain—ready for a spiritual harvest.” John 4:35 TPT
God has sent disruption into the lives of millions of people worldwide. Disruptions that for many have become distractions. From COVID to the presidency of Donald Trump, God has disrupted people’s plans from every walk of life. People are confused, confounded, frustrated, and--most of all--afraid. There is gross darkness all around us.
In short, this is our hour.
Jesus went on to make this statement in John 9…
“We must work the works of Him Who sent Me and be busy with His business while it is daylight; night is coming on, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the world’s Light.” John 9:4-5
Two key qualifiers in His statement:
We must work the works of Him. Waiting on revival is not like a man waiting on a bus. It’s more like a waiter waiting on a table. Jesus has made His will clear. Engage in the work of the harvest. He’s waiting on the “we” to believe Him and obey.
While I am here... Jesus made it clear that while He was on the earth, He was the light of the world. He left. That leaves the other half of “we.” We are the light of the world.
There is no political, no social, no economic solution that can change this nation’s fate and that of the world. Only God’s Church can bring light to this much darkness with the power of the Holy Spirit. The disruption of this world is God’s invitation to the church. Revival is imminent to the local church that cries out for it.
The Blessing of the Lord makes one rich and adds no sorrow with it.