I would like to encourage you with two vision strategies for 2019.
Lead a fervent United Prayer Movement in your local church with an emphasis on revival, coupled with reformation.The prophets are declaring that it’s God’s time for a Great Awakening. However, He must be inquired of to rend the Heavens. He is only coming in awesome power to the local church that is crying out for the glory to fall!
Get your leadership team and your disciple makers ready for the Harvest of the Ages. Listed are some thoughts on preparing for a great harvest of souls:
Meet often with your leadership team for impartation. Remember, Jesus spent seventy-three percent of His time with His twelve. The multiplication of your leadership is the key for healthy church growth.
Emphasize the value of one. God loves everyone, but He is after the one. The seeking Savior leaves the ninety-nine and goes after the one lost sheep.
Integrate the new converts. Focus on follow-up and personal ministry. Get them plugged in and involved in serving.
Major on small groups. Continually give vision to your leadership team and other core leaders to start small groups.
2019 will be our year to encounter a Great Awakening and the Harvest of the Ages. 2019 will be our year to see moral reformation on a national level.
I love you and yours,
Rod Aguillard
NRP Senior Overseer