an NRP Conference
From Jake Claunch, pastor at Eagle Heights Church in Tennessee
One hundred sixty-seven years ago, at New Park Street Chapel, a preacher named Charles Spurgeon peered into the eyes of his new congregation. He scanned the room and asked for the Holy Spirit's power, and a calm came over him as he began to deliver the sermon. "My brothers and sisters in Christ," said Charles in a notably different accent than most in his audience. "We may not be yet acquainted, since I do not know each of you by name. We are, however, living stones perfectly joined together by the cement of Christ's blood.”
What he said is what I was reminded of when we began the second worship song on Tuesday night of the NRP National Conference. As I looked around and observed many of you that I have known for many years, and also many that I did not know, I reflected on Spurgeon's quote and the fact that NRP is one of the most ALIVE groups of pastors and churches I have ever been around. I thought to myself, "This group is truly a jewel in God's treasure chest, joined together as living stones by the cement of Christ's blood.” I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing, courageous, compassionate, genuine, Jesus-loving, whole Bible-believing, living tribe of pastors and leaders. The NRP National Conference 2022 can't get here soon enough.

NRP’s 2020 National Conference, GOING TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Last month we had our annual National NRP Conference—GOING TO THE NEXT LEVEL. It was hosted by Generations Church in Slidell, Louisiana. We love and appreciate our host churches! Every conference that NRP does is hosted by a local church, and every single one of those churches hits it out of the park in excellence and hospitality!
This year, our special guest was Pastor Chris Hodges from Church of the Highlands in Alabama. It was an honor to learn from him and be inspired by him. He challenged us to not miss the moments in ministry that God gives us. We must open our eyes to see the people and where they are in their need so we can minister in grace and love. “You’ll never have responsibility for what you don’t see.”
The other main sessions were incredible as well. Keith Pavlansky challenged us to have the right strategy for warfare, as that will help us go to the next level and spread the glory of God in our culture. Bro Rod and Mary not only made us laugh, but inspired us to keep on running the race by speaking life to ourselves, renewing our mind, and soaking in the Word. Jim Anderson, our other special guest, spoke on sexual purity and challenged us to break the sound barrier on this topic. He reminded us that revival comes in the midst of social brokenness. Keith Tucci wrapped up the conference encouraging us to keep on sowing, to not grow weary, and he reminded us that God will bless our obedience when our heart is for the harvest.
The workshops this year were very practical and equipping—Planning Retirement, Leading from the Second Chair, Social Media, and Recognizing & Developing Deacons. You can listen to all the sessions HERE.
We added some new things this year as well. Penny Tucci took the pastors’ wives out to lunch for a time of encouragement and getting to know each other. Keith & Penny Tucci spent some time with the “under 40” crowd, encouraging them and talking with them about their place in NRP.
NRP is a tribe of covenant people who connect with each other, and the National Conference was just that. It was amazing to see 170 pastors and leaders connecting, learning, growing, and worshiping together. Mark your calendars for next year! We are headed to sunny Orlando, Florida, on February 07-09, 2022. We’ll see you then!