It is a cold winter’s night in South Louisiana. I am sitting by a friend writing this letter of encouragement. My friend is the cozy warm fire of my fireplace.
In the ministry, there are seasons when we face disappointments and setbacks that discourage us. In those seasons or moments, I must remember that Christianity is the Great Confession. I began my walk by confessing that Jesus is the Christ, and my walk will end with that confession. Each day, my heart and mouth must be filled with a confession of faith as I face my mountains of difficulties.
Therefore, let us face the storms and setbacks of our life and ministry with a confession of faith: Jesus is Lord, and He always has the last word! “I call those things that be not as though they were!” Romans 4:17. Let us speak to our mountains of difficulty, and they shall be removed.
With no rational reason to hope, we hope! We have a confident expectation that all of the setbacks and disappointments will work for our good and eventual success.
Rod Aguillard
A Messenger of Hope