It’s nearly the end of the year. The days turn into months. The months turn into years. And the years quickly turn into decades. Life is short. Let’s make it count for God and others.
Many of the churches I travel to would be considered smaller churches; in truth, they are “Hannah” churches. Despite their size, lack of financial provision, facilities that are in need of updates, and people who leave them for greener pastures to join larger churches (often without a grateful goodbye), these Hannah churches remain faithful to the call to cry out for sons and daughters.
The Hannah church fights through the seasons of barrenness and disappointment. The Hannah church is the church that God will trust with a prophetic birthing that will change regions—even a nation. Hannah churches keep crying out; they are not embarrassed to be passionate. Hannah churches know that what they birth belongs to God—it’s not theirs. They give it away for the glory of God. Keep crying out!
I love you and yours,
Rod Aguillard
NRP Senior Overseer