Do you believe in sin?
Keith Tucci
NRP Apostolic Team Leader
Does sin have a consequence? Really, I wonder how many people believe there is negative fruit from sin. The world must deny the existence of sin to justify their rebellion. They insist that we also fall into line and disavow God’s law so as not to convict them or make them uncomfortable. Then, there are believers whose understanding of sin is that they get to be forgiven of it. This, of course, must be celebrated--but in proper context. Romans 6:1-2 says, What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Dead people don’t sin. Redemption is not just getting a free pass on forgiveness. It is moving into a place of victory over sin.
James 1:14 gives us insight on how sin pursues us. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. The purpose of temptation is not to get us to sin. Sin is only a means to an end. James 1:15 Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it has run its course, brings forth death. When we yield to sin, we are doing death on the installment plan. Death here is to cease a relationship and to break off communication with God.
Churches are full of believers today who do not comprehend that although they are positionally forgiven, there are ongoing consequences for their actions and their sins. If I rob a bank and repent, I’m probably going to jail! I will be relieved of an eternal consequence, but I will still suffer a natural one. There is a difference between repentance and merely asking for forgiveness. The preaching of forgiveness without repentance has become standard procedure in much of the Church today. But there are consequences to sin, even when there is forgiveness. I encounter people on a regular basis who cannot comprehend this. God hates sin--not just because it separates us from Him, but because sin destroys the life He intended to give us. Jesus said in John 10:10 that abundant life and sin don’t mix. We must articulate the consequences of sin. It is a life saver.
Glory! What an awesome message! Very convicting and encouraging at the same time! The work at the cross is finished and sin has NO Power over us anymore in Jesus name!
Pastor Tucci u are 100percent correct
I think all of us forget that or try and live acting like we forgot that there is a consequence to our sin
We all know as believers know when we sin and try and justify our actions
we want to straddle that fence
thank you brother God bless