I believe the Lord commissioned me to release judgment against the evildoers trying to divide and destroy our nation. He has also commissioned me to release prophetic decrees for revival and reformation!
1. In regards to the socialist, globalist, and progressive liberals in Congress and the Deep State: “Rise up, O God, and scatter your enemies…blow them away like smoke in Jesus’ name!” Psalm 68:1-2
2. Father, in Jesus’ name, “…send abundant rain to refresh our weary land!” Psalm 68:9. Father, wake up the silent pulpits that have lost their salt! Cause the pulpits to thunder with righteousness against abortion and moral perversion.
Together, we are releasing the Lord’s will through prophetic decree.
Standing in the Gap, Bro. Rod Aguillard NRP Senior Overseer
April Itinerary
April 04-06
Southern Regional Women's Conference
hosted by LifeHouse Church in Louisiana
April 07
Harvest Christian Center in Louisiana
Pastor Marc Cook
April 12-15
Crescent Lake Christian Church in Missouri
Pastors Mike & Stephanie Boudreaux
April 27-28
Church Alive in Mississippi
Pastors Gene & Regina Amason