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Encouragement from Bro Rod Aguillard

Writer: NRPNRP

Following the shock of the New York governor smiling and signing an ominous law of killing unborn children up to birth, the Holy Spirit spoke to me in the early morning hours. I heard a command to stay sweet and lowly. Then I heard a commission to release the judgments of God against the vile corruption in our nation. I also heard a word of the Lord to release revival, coupled with reformation. Therefore, I started a Facebook Prayer Movement with weekly decrees. The following are the first two Prophetic Decrees:

  1. Judgment: Father, in Jesus’ name, “Break the back of the wicked and empower the godly.” Psalm 7:9

  2. Revival and Reformation: Father, in Jesus’ name, “Rend the Heavens, come down and make your name known to your enemies, and cause this nation (America, beginning with the Church) to tremble at your Name!” Isaiah 64:1-2.

We first war through prophetic decrees. Then we become activists and take to the streets!

I love you and yours,

Rod Aguillard

NRP Senior Overseer

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