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Encouragement from Bro Rod Aguillard

Writer: NRPNRP

As we enter the Christmas season, let us celebrate our call to know Him and to declare Him to a people living in darkness and the fear of death. Let us remember our call to be holy, to be separated from the secular and sensual, and to be consecrated into the Father’s Heart—that no one should perish.

On November 24, the Holy Spirit reminded me of my call to holiness: Think clearly and exercise self-control, looking forward to your gracious salvation when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world! So you must live as God’s obedient child. Don’t slip back in your old lustful ways to satisfy the desires of your flesh. But you must be holy in everything you do; just as God chose me to be holy, you must be holy because I am Holy. 1 Peter 1:13-15 NLT (paraphrase)

Let’s renew our call to holiness. Let’s preach and help our people keep away from worldly desires that war against their very soul. (1 Peter 2:11) Research has reported that one out of every three men struggle with pornography—in the church and outside the church. (To view pornography is to lust after another woman, and the scripture calls it adultery in Matthew 5:27-30. Scripture also tells us in Ephesians 5:3-6 that no adulterer or unrepentant fornicator will inherit the Kingdom of God.) Let’s resolve that our pulpits will thunder with holiness and righteousness in 2019.

Have a Merry CHRISTmas!

Rod Aguillard

NRP Senior Overseer

The Law of Exposure: “Your mind will absorb and reflect whatever it is exposed to. The events you attend, the materials you read or don’t read, and the images you expose yourself to will eventually shape your mind and eventually your character and your destiny.” (from The Word For You Today by Bob Glass)

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