Most of you know that I have a deep burden and concern for our nation. I do believe the Holy Spirit has placed this burden on my heart for intercession. The day before Judge Kavanagh spoke to the Senate committee, the Holy Spirit had me interceding all night. The focus of my prophetic decree was for the Lord to make him bold as a lion to speak against the evil that was trying to destroy him. Rejoicing that he won the day!
The next day, I came under a counterattack and became physically ill. On October 1, I boarded a plane for Paris with a fever. October 2, I walked Normandy Beach with a high fever, bladder spasms, and headaches. It was a fifteen-hour trip that exhausted me; I got sicker. October 6, I was in Venice, Italy—too sick to leave my hotel room. Thousands were praying for me, and Suzy Debail sent me a video with the song of the Lord, “I will Raise a Hallelujah.” The anointing of that song went into my body via my heart. The next day, I was on a train to Rome—no fever and no headaches. Healed and recovering strength.

Following a storm, the Holy Spirit always leaves a residue. Even though I was too sick to read the Word of God, too sick to think or believe, I just trusted Him. I came home with a residue of trust: “Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him!”Job 13:15.
When we are making an impact for the Kingdom of God, expect the enemy to counterattack. Let your faith rise. Trust God; He will see you through. He will increase your trust, having stood firm through it.
I love you and yours,
Rod Aguillard
NRP Senior Overseer