After the election of President Trump in November of 2016, I warned the body of Christ that through the power of united prayer, we had just made a beachhead for the recovery of our nation from an anti-Christ takeover!
On D-Day in 1944, the allied forces made a beachhead on Normandy Beach in northern France against the Hitler regime, the Third Reich. The major fighting lay ahead! The allied army advanced slowly with heavy casualties to take down Nazi Germany, thus winning freedom for millions.
In America, we are dealing with a deeply demonized, entrenched enemy. This is not about politics or racial division. It is a war for the soul of our nation—Christ vs. anti-Christ. Demonized individuals are leading the Deep State, the national Democratic party, and the mainstream media. They love abortion, they are immoral, and they hate God. This war that we are in has reached a crisis. I agree with the Prophet Dutch Sheets, “It is a winner take all war!” I am alarmed because before the presidential election, eighty or ninety believers would attend our united prayer gatherings in my home church on Sunday nights. Since the election, the number is down to about thirty faithful warriors and intercessors! Much of the body has been lulled back to sleep.
It is time for our pulpits to thunder with holiness and righteousness. It is time for pastors to blow the trumpet for fasting, repentance, and united prayer. The survival of our nation depends on these Holy Ghost actions in our local church body.
I am convinced that if we obey the Holy Spirit in His call for repentance, revival, and reformation, we will break the back of the ungodly and shatter the teeth of the wicked. In doing so, the hate and lies of the national Democratic party and the mainstream media will disappear like smoke.
I love you and yours. I love America!
Bro. Rod Aguillard NRP Senior Overseer