“Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee…” Job 22:28. We have the power and authority to make a decree and expect it to be carried out!
United Prophetic Decrees:
1) Let’s stop the Mueller team effort to destroy the president of the United States: “Their own schemes will be their downfall; they will walk into a net, they will fall into a pit!” Job 18:7-8
2) A good news decree: “I have seen the wicked and the ruthless flourishing like a tree on native soil. But when I looked again, they were gone.”Psalm 37:25-26. The blue wave and the deep state seem to be flourishing, but suddenly they will disappear!
3) We decree that 2018/2019 is the year of justice for the unborn children: “Lord, your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths!”Psalm 36:6. Father, in Jesus’ name, it’s Your time to take down the murder of unborn children. Give them justice!
Together we war with the Word of God, and together we win the day for righteousness!
Bro. Rod Aguillard NRP Senior Overseer
September Itinerary
September 2
Fellowship of the Unashamed, Louisiana with Pastors Nick & Jill Bergeron
September 7-9
Church of the Living Water, Indiana with Pastors Kent & Sherry Grimes
September 10 Pastors' Round Table at LifeHouse Church in Louisiana September 16
New Jerusalem Praise & Worship Center, Louisiana with Pastors Jerry & Denise Cocran
September 23
LifeHouse Church, Louisiana with Pastors Stephen & Laura Aguillard Please pray for Marvelous Mary and me. Pray for our strength and for the anointing to bring healing to the hurting, hope to the hopeless, and deliverance to the captive. Thank you!