The highlight of my ministry is mentoring pastors. Currently, I meet with a group of ten pastors one month and another group of ten pastors the next month. When we meet, we share pillars for building a healthy, growing church based on the discipleship model. In these meetings, we are becoming one in vision, strength, and church growth strategy. The apostolic team movement is doing its work. “If the apostolic dimension is lacking in a church, that church will lack a necessary ingredient for success. When a church becomes apostolic, it will see breakthroughs that were not possible before; there will be an ability to do things that previously could not be done. This is because of apostolic grace that is released and received through apostolic ministry.” John Eckhardt This statement describes the apostolic download happening during our monthly strategy meetings. This mentoring group of twenty pastors is developing a growth tract for discipling and maturing our sons and daughters to be leaders and laborers. I encourage you to do the same. Get together with other pastors (meet locally, or leverage technology and do a video conference call) to sharpen each other, brainstorm together, build relationships, and encourage one another. All of us are seeing the beginning of a great awakening and the harvest of the ages. We are preparing a wineskin for discipling the multitudes. Together we are taking back what the enemy has stolen as we expand the Kingdom to the glory of God! Rejoice with me, Rod Aguillard NRP Senior Overseer