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April Prayer Focus

Writer: NRPNRP

God rules through the servant, consistent prayers of His people.

Pray for the character of the president: “The kings heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water, he turns it withersoever He wills…” Proverbs 21:1 KJV. Holy Spirit, move on President Trump and impart Your character on him. We decree Godly advisors surrounding him.

Agree for Justice: “Let the whole world sings for joy because of you, the Lord, govern the nations with justice.” Psalms 67:4 NLT. Father, in Jesus name, let justice reign in our court rooms, in Congress, and the FBI. Remove the evil and the injustice, in Jesus name!

The Hope of America, A Great Awakening; “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14 KJV.

Father, we ask that we would see the Glory of God! Father in Jesus name, “Rend the Heavens, come down…Cause our nation to tremble at thy presence!” Isaiah 64:1-2 KJV. Let the glory fall!

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