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Apostolic Observation: Worship pt2

Writer's picture: NRPNRP

Updated: Dec 4, 2019

Last month I asked the question: Who is worship for, and is God the subject or the reference of our worship DNA? Let’s now look at sound practices of worship. First things first. Start on time. It honors the appointment you made with the King. Before you sing it, read it. I have heard things sung that I would never say “amen” to as they are contrary to God. Is it the Word? The singing of the Word is the greatest way to truly worship. Our commentary is second. Pastors are, in fact, the worship leaders, even if (like me) they can’t carry a tune. You, pastors, are the example. Pastors wafting around, coming in late, talking the whole time are not being good worship leaders. I heard a pastor of a very large church say recently that they have a 10-minute rule. If it’s 10 minutes before worship begins and the projector is not working or there is a sound problem, etc., they shut it down and go with what they have. I like this. His comment was that it keeps them focused on what’s really important. Then, after the service, they talk about it. Before the worship leader introduces a new song, make it a practice that he knows what every word and phrase means. Then he needs to teach that meaning to the team, and then they can learn the song. “All the trees of the fields shall clap their hands” is great if you know what you are singing. It may not be a bad idea for the worship leader to take 60 seconds to share with the body what a song or phrase means and even tie it into the vision of the house. The worship leader, from time-to-time, could say, “You know, that phrase is taken from Psalm 78. Let me read it to you.” It may even help you to discern what sounds good versus what is eternal and powerful. Ask yourself this: Are there songs that may need a little adjustment? What about all of the new songs that sing about His love? There is nothing wrong with that, but try swapping in “blood” and watch how much more powerful the song becomes. All I’m saying is, don’t just sing songs that sound good. Really study them. When it comes to special days where a larger number of guests may be present, consider simplicity and familiarity. Sing some songs that might be in their memory bank. I stood outside an abortion mill with a group singing Amazing Grace on a cold day. Several years later, I was preaching at a church in that area. A lady approached me and introduced me to her daughter. She was at the abortion mill that day years before to kill her baby. When she heard Amazing Grace that day, it touched her heart and she walked out. It doesn’t have to be new to be good. Truth is Truth, and it is powerful. My last thought: Does anybody know how to get on the worship team? How do you communicate that? Or, is it a club for the elite few? One idea is to bring up the process of joining the worship team, with the expectations and responsibilities, at your connection groups. In that setting, you have a little more time to explain things than on a Sunday morning. At the end of the day, we need to make sure it is about God, and not the music. Our churches aren’t ours. They belong to Jesus. Let’s make sure we are glorifying Him with every aspect of our services. In His Master's Service, Keith Tucci NRP Apostolic Team Leader

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