When we talk about the character or DNA of the church, there is probably nothing more defining than our worship time together. Aside from how much time it takes and how many new songs we can introduce, my perception is that we often are lacking in a true worship theology and discussion that create sound practices. Let’s start here: Who is worship for? Is it for the edification of the worshiper, the promotion of church growth, or unto the Lord? Before you attempt to be political and say all, I didn’t ask about the effects of worship. I asked who is it to? Please tell me that the answer is now clear. It is to be God-ward! Consider what we are singing. A lot of current worship references God, but the subject matter is in fact the worshipper. “What You do for me.” “How You affect me.” “What I want to do for You.” The giveaways are “me” and “I.” Ask this question: If an unlearned person (1 Corinthians 14) came in, would they know more about God or more about you as a result of their worship experience? Here’s a test: You, He, we, me. “You are great.” “He is the Redeemer.” “We will serve You.” “I love You.” All of these are valid. Some are the main course and some are the dessert. There must be an order and emphasis. If worship is indeed God-ward, then there should be songs of adoration and declaration of Who He is, absent from “me” and “I.” Simply put, “He is”—with or without you. Honestly, look at the words of the songs. Is He the subject or the reference? God as the subject should be the bulk of our corporate worship. Is it a possibility that while we are preaching our heart out to see a body, a Christian family, a tribe, a corporate identity emerge, that our worship DNA is promoting the opposite by singing a steady diet of “It’s all about me”? Do we comprehend that many people are developing their view of God around what they are singing? Should we be surprised that they think it’s all about them, when after all, that’s our worship DNA? Don’t forget, they sing the songs long after they forget our sermons. Our first call as a local church is to be a worshiping community. Let’s get this one right! He is Lord! Next month I’ll share some specific things we can evaluate when it comes to worship. In His Master's Service, Keith Tucci NRP Apostolic Team Leader