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Four Truths of a Growing Healthy Church

Writer: NRPNRP

May 19-21, I was in a NRP Regional Pastors Meeting where various aspects of vision was shared by some of our key leaders. I wish all of you could have been with us; life changing with God’s insight of vision for success. Briefly, I am going to share four truths of vision needed to have a healthy growing church.

First, “vision is a prophetic revelation,”--Rick Paladin. You must see what God is saying to you and for your local church. During my season as lead pastor, I would take a week in early January to seek the Lord to refresh me in vision for my local church. By the end of January, I would preach vision for the New Year. I would let God’s people know where the bus was going.

Second, your vision must be filled with a spirit of faith. There must be feet under your vision; action goals to carry out what God is saying to you and your local church.

Third, God has given us an apostolic commission that must be the foundation of our local church vision, Matthew 28:16-20. We are called and anointed to win souls and make disciples. We must have a plan to develop devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Fourth, there must be systems in place to carry out your vision. Systems are the process by which you accomplish your vision. Pastor Rick shared great insight on systems with me and a small group of pastors. Eighty percent of his church is in small groups because of vision coupled with systems. Very briefly I listed a few steps in his system for small groups:

1. He hemorrhages small groups. Every Sunday, a testimony of victory in small groups is shared. 2. He takes time out to download vision for small groups into his leadership team. 3. He has coaches overseeing three to five small group leaders. 4. Small groups are done in semester settings. 5. He continually measures the growth of small groups.

In conclusion, a healthy growing church is not an accident. It is a Holy Ghost driven vision coupled with action goals and systems to measure the progress.

I love you and yours,

Rod Aguillard

NRP Overseer

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